c++ - Inserting new score into sorted array while updating separate array of names -

score array of 10 scores in ascending order. scorename array of names associated with each score. need check if new score enough enter the high score table , if so, insert correct position , make sure scorename updated reflect changes.

i having problems current code:


for (int = 0; < leaderboardsize; i++)         {             cout << scorename[i] << "\t\t" << score[i] << endl;         }         system("pause");          //check see if made highscore         if (dicetotal >= score[9])         {         cout << "congrats, have made highscore table !\nenter name.";              cin >> playername;              (int = 9; < leaderboardsize; i--)             {                  if (dicetotal <= score[i])                 {                     scorename[i = + 1] = scorename[i];                     score[i = + 1] = score[i];                      scorename[i] = playername;                     score[i] = dicetotal;                     break;                 }                      scorename[i = + 1] = scorename[i];                     score[i = + 1] = score[i];               }         }  here entire code:     #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <time.h> using namespace std; int main() {     //dice game variables     int dice1 = 0;     int dice2 = 0;     int dicetotal = 0;     int round = 0;      string choice;     bool isdone = true;      //scoreboard      const int leaderboardsize = 10;     int score[10] = { 40, 33, 29, 24, 22, 19, 15, 12, 11, 9 };     string scorename[leaderboardsize] = { "jason", "steve", "bob", "timberduck",    "eric", "susan", "tyler", "nick", "ninjadave", "raidengunfire" };     string playername;        //random number seeder     srand((unsigned int)time(null));        //game instructions     cout << "dice game\n---------\ncreated by: darcy tellier\n--------------------------\ninstructions:\nroll 2 dices. try close 50 without going over." << endl;      //the game loop         {         //resets game variables         dicetotal = 0;         round = 1;          //in game match loop                 {             // display round #, current dice total, ask user quit or re-roll.             cout << "round\n-----\n  " << round << endl;             cout << "current total:" << dicetotal << endl;             cout << "roll dice (y/n)?";             cin >> choice;              //checks users imput invalid characters              while (choice != "y" && choice != "y" && choice != "n" && choice != "n")             {                 cout << "invalid option. choose y/n:" << endl;                 cin >> choice;             }               if (choice == "y" || choice == "y")             {                 //roll dice                 round += 1;                 dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1;                 dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1;                 dicetotal = dicetotal + dice1 + dice2;                 cout << "you have rolled " << dice1 << " , " << dice2 <<   endl;                  if (dicetotal > 50)                 {                     isdone = false;                 }             }             else             {                 //break used because "isdone = false" not work here. debugger shows when variable set false, still ignores , skips  next round.                  break;             }          } while (isdone == true || dicetotal < 50);          //end of round         if (dicetotal > 50)         {             cout << "\ngameover" << endl;             cout << "you went on in " << round << " turns. lose!!! " << endl;         }         else         {             cout << "you stopped @ " << round << " turns. final score: " <<  dicetotal << "." << endl;             system("pause");             system("cls");         }         //table          (int = 0; < leaderboardsize; i++)         {             cout << scorename[i] << "\t\t" << score[i] << endl;         }         system("pause");          //check see if made highscore         if (dicetotal >= score[9])         {             cout << "congrats, have made highscore table !\nenter       name.";              cin >> playername;              (int = 9; < leaderboardsize; i--)             {                  if (dicetotal <= score[i])                 {                      scorename[i] = playername;                     score[i] = dicetotal;                     break;                 }                 }         }         //board display #2         (int = 0; < leaderboardsize; i++)         {             cout << scorename[i] << "\t\t" << score[i] << endl;         }         system("pause");         //do want play again?         cout << "do want play again";         cin >> choice;         while (choice != "y" && choice != "y" && choice != "n" && choice != "n")         {             cout << "invalid option. choose y/n:" << endl;             cin >> choice;         }          if (choice == "y" || choice == "y")         {             system("cls");             isdone = true;         }         else         {             cout << "game over" << endl;             isdone = false;         }     } while (isdone);       system("pause");      return 0;     } 

this copy of assignment. note: not asking guys work. want figure out highscore sorting thing.

the problem: arrays not way achieve want

you trying see if score beat score, , if so, replace , move rest of scores down. assume scores sorted, , score int[10], have several problems:


for (int = 9; < leaderboardsize; i--) 

you attempting iterate through scores backwards, start @ 9 (which assume last index) , work way down. assuming leaderboardsize total size of leaderboard, , 10, i always less leaderboardsize , for loop go loooong time. meant say:

for (int = 9; >= 0; i--) 


scorename[i = + 1] = scorename[i]; score[i = + 1] = score[i]; 

this assigning i new value, ruin for loop. should doing

scorename[i + 1] = scorename[i]; 

trying swap values in array in cumbersome, , trying manually, give you:

the solution: use standard library!

c++ great language, if no other reason containing standard library: library of functions , classes solve many basic problems you.

it far easier sort, insert , remove elements using standard container. let's use std::vector:

// simple class handle player score: name , score struct playerscore {     std::string name;     unsigned int score; };  // create test scores. assume have means of storing high scores, perhaps in file, small purpose hard-coding scores: std::vector<playerscore> hiscores = { {"abc", 5000}, {"xjk", 10000}, {"foo", 20000}, {"egg", 4000}, {"hi", 50000} }; 

you may keep scores sorted, if, mine aren't sorted, can sort them std::sort:

std::sort(hiscores.begin(), hiscores.end(), [](playerscore ps1, playerscore ps2){ return ps1.score > ps2.score; }); 

with out way, can proceed play game , obtain name player , score. haven't bothered, , create value score:

auto score = 10123u; // check if score beats of current high scores: auto = std::find_if(hiscores.begin(), hiscores.end(), [score](playerscore ps){ return score > ps.score; }); if (it != hiscores.end()) {     // yes! beat score!     std::cout << "found score: " << it->score << std::endl;     // insert score before other score     hiscores.insert(it, {"newscore", score});     // remove last score:     hiscores.pop_back(); } 

you no longer need iterate , manually try manipulate positions of scores. standard containers random access such std::vector allow insert , access elements need to. 10 lines of code becomes 2 lines. std::vector manages size you, if have 3 high scores initially, can grow contain 10, 100 or many more scores.

std::find_if can find element in container without need manually iterate on every element. predicate passed in acts find condition, in our case pass our score , check if it's greater playerscore in container. first element it's greater returned us, , can insert our score in front of it, remove last score via pop_back


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