bash - need help modifying a script to check service status -

i have script gets called remotely check status of service , echo whatever tell to. external process calls script determines service gets checked. instead of echoing custom message need echo out actual output of command. here script now:

#!/bin/bash s1="active" info=$(systemctl status $1 | awk 'nr==3' | awk '{print $2}') if [ $info == $s1 ]     echo  $1 "is running!"     exit 0 else     echo  $1 "is not running!"     exit 2 fi 

as can see, pretty basic , scripting not cup of tea works. need make more complex. in script instead of echoing out "$1 running" or "$1 not running" need change 2 echo result command giving me 3rd line only. need echo this:

active: active (running) since fri 2015-10-30 14:58:47 cdt; 1h 7min   ago 

which actual result of command in script excluding awk '{print $2}'

and if result comes "active running" or "active exited", etc.. needs exit 0. if result comes other that, exit 2. seems simple having hard time wrapping head around changes need make. in advance , please detailed.

put entire line in info, not second field. extract second field check it.

info=$(systemctl status $1 | awk 'nr == 3') read prefix status rest <<<"$info" echo "$info" if [ $status = $s1 ]     exit 0 else     exit 2 fi 


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