angularjs - Why isn't my directive's selection being bound to the controller? -

i've got simple directive i'm working - it's small wrapper around dropdown. want expose attribute, "selectedoption" (well, selected-option) can two-way bind controller. i've set property in scope of directive (and set = thought allow two-way binding), exposed property on main controller.

i've attached example. have expected default item shown "beta". , if changed selections alpha, controller value updated "a". doesn't happen - appear isolated though i've specified property should available controller.

what magic bit of code missing here?

angular      .module('app', []);    angular.module('app').controller('test', function(){      var vm = this;            vm.inv = 'b';      vm.displayinv = function () {                  alert('inv:' + vm.inv);      };  });    angular.module('app')         .directive('inventorytest', function () {      return {          restrict: 'e',          template: '<select ng-model="ctrl.selectedoption" ng-options="inv.code inv.desc inv in ctrl.invtypes"></select>{{ctrl.sample}}. selected: {{ctrl.selectedoption}}',            scope: { selectedoption: '='},          controller: function () {              this.invtypes = [                  { code: 'a', desc: 'alpha' },                  { code: 'b', desc: 'bravo' },                  { code: 'c', desc: 'charlie' },              ];              this.sample = 'hello';          },          controlleras: 'ctrl'      }  });
<script src=""></script>  <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="test vm">      <inventorytest selected-option='vm.inv'></inventorytest>      <button ng-click="vm.displayinv()">display</button>      <br/>      controller: {{vm.inv}}  </div>

by default, angular creates scope object (most commonly referred variable $scope) each html template.

the scope: { selectedoption: '='}, in code creating isolated scope directive, , making selectedoption property on scope object.

the line controlleras: 'ctrl' creating property on same scope object points controller object.

this means in controller, technically access ctrl.$parent.selectedoption, return selectedoption property of ctrl object's parent, scope. in practice, however, cumbersome.

in angular 1.3, new option added, bindtocontroller : true. option automatically binds properties scope: definition controlleras: object instead of scope itself.


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