Reset while loop conditions in python to "play the quiz again" -

i'm still new @ this. essentially, need code reset while loop.

when user reaches end of quiz, asks if user play again. if user inputs y quiz should restart.

my code:

print("moose quiz")  question = 0    # tells questions user has completed questions = ["what average life span of moose?: ",              "how moose eat on daily basis?: ",              "the fastest moose ran...?: "]  useranswers = ["","",""] # stores users answers  answers = ["a. 10 - 14 years\nb. 15 - 25 years\nc. blue\nd. 26 - 35  years\n",            "a. 24 lbs day\nb. 39 lbs day\nc. 67 lbs day\nd. 73 lbs day",            "a. 20 mph\nb. 25 mph\nc. 35 mph\nd. 40 mph"]  correct = 0  while question < 3:    print(questions[question])    print(answers[question])    answers[question] = input("to answer, pick letter or leave blank skip it: ").lower()     if question == 0:        if answers[question] == "a":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "b":            print()            print("good job! correct.")            correct = correct + 1            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "c":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "d":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "":            print(" skipped one!")            question = question + 1            print()            else:            print("invalid character, please try again.")         elif question == 1:        if answers[question] == "a":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "b":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "c":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "d":            print()            print("terrific! got right!")            correct = correct + 1            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "":            print(" skipped one!")            question = question + 1            print()            else:            print("invalid character, please try again.")     elif question == 2:        if answers[question] == "a":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "b":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()                elif answers[question] == "c":            print()            print("amazing! you're awesome!")            correct = correct + 1            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "d":            print()            print("sorry, please try again.")            question = question + 1            print()        elif answers[question] == "":            print(" skipped one!")            question = question + 1            print()            print("thanks playing!")        again = input("would play again?: ") 

at end, can reset question 0

while question < 3:    ...     again = input("would play again?: ")    if again == 'y':         question = 0 


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