objective c - iOS - Adding Obj-C Files in Watch Extension causing Error -

i have project (objective-c) in have added watchkit app in swift. want use objective-c classes in swift. using xcode 7.3

i created bridging header, added swift compiler inside build setting of app target , watch extension.

the problem facing access objective-c class must add class target membership of watch extension. complier gives error inside watch extension of classes never ever added watch extension. main viewcontroller giving error cant find uiviewcontroller class being inherited.

the error right because compiling watch extension never added watch app or extension.

what problem? how can solve issue occurring out of no have added watch app in other apps using same methodology.

edit: here error getting on classes not added extension.

enter image description here

i solved issue causing files appear in other targets (watchkit). had created custom pch file , added manually main project.

later on when created new target (watchkit) automatically copied pch files settings. classes added pch files being complied watchkit too, hence errors.

took time , came out simple mistake.


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