user interface - Calender Event UI android -

i can create event this:

 public void mindencalendar(){     contentresolver cr = getactivity().getcontentresolver();     calendar calendarevent = calendar.getinstance();     long idk[] = new long[szam];     idk[szam-1] = cu.addeventtocalender(cr,"a","b","c",5,calendarevent.gettimeinmillis());     szam++; } 


 public class calendarutils{     context context;     final int idf = 12;       public static long addeventtocalender(contentresolver cr, string title, string addinfo, string place, int status,                                           long startdate) {          string eventuristr = "content://" + "events";         contentvalues event = new contentvalues();           event.put("calendar_id", 1);         event.put("title", title);         event.put("description", addinfo);         event.put("eventlocation", place);         event.put("eventtimezone", "utc/gmt +2:00");         long enddate = startdate + 1000 * 60 * 60;         event.put("dtstart", startdate);         event.put("dtend", enddate);         event.put("eventstatus", status);         event.put("hasalarm", 1);           uri eventuri = cr.insert(uri.parse(eventuristr), event);         long eventid = long.parselong(eventuri.getlastpathsegment());          //context.startactivity(i);          return eventid;     } } 

now it's writing calendar , haven't got ui thought open ui of basic android calendar. have create own layout if i'd way without intent?

if don't want fire intent send user calendar application, have create own layout.


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