hadoop - Spark submit, spark shell or pyspark not taking default environment values -

i have installed hadoop , spark on google cloud using click deploy. trying run spark shell , spark submit test installation. when try

spark-shell --master yarn-client 

i error caused by: org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.invalidresourcerequestexception: invalid resource request, requested memory < 0, or requested memory > max configured, requestedmemory=6383, maxmemory=5999

the problem when don't provide --executor-memory 1g or value , doesn't pick default 1g value , don't know why yarn allocates max memory executor. commands arguments , without arguments

pyspark --master yarn-client --executor-memory 1g --num-executors 1 --verbose     parsed arguments:       master                  yarn-client       deploymode              null       executormemory          1g       numexecutors            1  pyspark --master yarn --verbose parsed arguments:   master                  yarn   deploymode              null   executormemory          null   numexecutors            null 

is spark bug or google cloud configuration issue? there anyway can set default values.


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