F# PostgreSQL connection with SQLprovider failing without error in project but intellisense indicates code is fine and works in interactive -

i connecting local postgresql db using sqlprovider in f#. code works in interactive , intellisense detecting tables in database fine, compiled project breaks when runs sql.getdatacontext() line without error. find strange exact same code runs in interactive, connection must working intellisense on "ctx" below picking tables, , cannot see wrong. new f# , databases , can't see why not work, ideas appreciated!

type sql = sqldataprovider<databasevendor=common.databaseprovidertypes.postgresql,connectionstring="server=localhost;database=db1;user id=postgres;password=pw1",resolutionpath=@"path npgsql.dll">  type saver(datatype:string, handle:string) =            member __.datatype = datatype         member __.handle = handle            member __.save() =               let ctx = sql.getdatacontext()             /// rest of code, not causing issues           


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