Creating elements in Aurelia -

i'm trying create aurelia element inside of element. i'm using docking framework phosphor , when dynamically create panel want add component i've build using aurelia.

for example: have simple logging component:


<template>     <h1>logging....</h1> </template> 


export class logging {     constructor() {         console.log('logging constructor')     } } 

the component works expected when "just put on page".

now inside of method creates phosphor widget have this:

var widget = new widget(); widget.title = "got logs?"; var contentelement = document.createelement('logging'); widget.node.appendchild(contentelement); panel.insertbottom(widget); 

this code, given phosphor panel, creates widget, creates element looks like: <logging></logging> , appends widget's inner node. resulting "dom" correct aurelia not render element.

i have tried using templatingengine so:

import { inject, templatingengine } 'aurelia-framework';  @inject(templatingengine) export class aureliaroot {     constructor(templatingengine) { }      attached() {         var contentelement = document.createelement("logging"),             el = document.getelementbyid("my-element");         el.appendchild(contentelement);         templatingengine.enhance({element: el, bindingcontext: {}});     } } 

but doesn't seem work, although doubt i'm using right , think might need use compile, not sure there.

any insights appreciated.

i'm sorry won't able answer fully, believe need use aurelia viewcompiler compile fragments of html generated parsed aurelia.

try looking @ following link more information: how use viewcompiler manually compile part of dom?


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