c++ - Why compilers put zeros into arrays while they do not have to? -

i'm trying understand when compilers should value initialize arrays , when should default initialize it. i'm trying 2 options: 1 raw array, array aggregated in struct:

const int n = 1000;  struct  {   uint32_t arr[n];    a() = default; };  void print(uint32_t* arr, const std::string& message) {   std::cout << message << ": " <<      (std::count(arr, arr + n, 0) == n ? "all zeros" : "garbage") << std::endl; }  int main() {   uint32_t arrdefault[n];   print(arrdefault, "automatic array,  default initialization");    uint32_t arrvalue[n] = {};   print(arrvalue, "automatic array,  value   initialization");    uint32_t* parrdefault = new uint32_t[n];   print(parrdefault, "  dynamic array,  default initialization");    uint32_t* parrvalue = new uint32_t[n]();   print(parrvalue, "  dynamic array,  value   initialization");    structdefault;   print(structdefault.arr, "automatic struct, default initialization");    structvalue{};   print(structvalue.arr, "automatic struct, value   initialization");    a* pstructdefault = new a;   print(pstructdefault->arr, "  dynamic struct, default initialization");    a* psstructvalue = new a();   print(psstructvalue->arr, "  dynamic struct, value   initialization"); } 

here see clang , vc++:

automatic array,  default initialization: garbage automatic array,  value   initialization: zeros   dynamic array,  default initialization: garbage   dynamic array,  value   initialization: zeros automatic struct, default initialization: zeros automatic struct, value   initialization: zeros   dynamic struct, default initialization: garbage   dynamic struct, value   initialization: zeros 

output gcc different in first line, puts "all zeros".

from point of view wrong, , expect is:

automatic array,  default initialization: garbage automatic array,  value   initialization: zeros   dynamic array,  default initialization: garbage   dynamic array,  value   initialization: zeros automatic struct, default initialization: garbage automatic struct, value   initialization: garbage   dynamic struct, default initialization: garbage   dynamic struct, value   initialization: garbage 

i.e. output ok raw arrays (except gcc): have garbage default , zeros value. great. struct expect have garbage time. default initialization:

default initialization performed in 3 situations:

  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. when base class or non-static data member not mentioned in constructor initializer list , constructor called.

the effects of default initialization are:

  • if t non-pod (until c++11) class type, ...
  • if t array type, every element of array default-initialized;
  • otherwise, nothing done: objects automatic storage duration (and subobjects) initialized indeterminate values.

in example have non-static data member not mentioned in constructor initializer list, array of pod type. expect left indeterminate values, no matter how struct constructed.

my questions are:

  • why compilers violate that? mean, why put zeros when not have to, wasting runtime? wrong in readings?
  • how can enforce such behavior make sure not waste runtime populating arrays zeros?
  • why gcc performs value initialization automatic array?

a structvalue{}; aggregate initialization, 0 guaranteed.

as a has no user provided constructor because explicitly defaulted constructors not count such, same applies value initialization in a* psstructvalue = new a();.

for default initialization cases: reading uninitialized variables ub, , undefined behavior undefined. compiler can whatever wants. showing 0 legal crashing. maybe there 0 in memory read chance. maybe compilers felt 0 initializing. both equally fine standard's point of view.

that being said, have better chance of seeing garbage when testing release / optimized builds. debug builds tend stuff diagnosing problems, including doing initialization.

(for record: gcc , clang -o3 appear no unnecessary initialization on linux system @ first glance. nevertheless, got "all zeroes" every case. appears chance.)


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